Sunday, December 16, 2012

cab to grain cart relationship

Added an extra idler wheel in the rear track to make that one a little larger.  Dropped the height of the grain cart to match up with the top of the cab.


  1. i like the relationship more but It almost looks like the front of the grain cart will collapse at the hinge point... I'd try moving the rear track forward, maybe so it lines up with the red of the cart ending. Also, is Case all about hard surface transitions? because I can see more love going on between some of the surface transitions, namely in the cab by the lights, and in the grain cart itself (the "ladder" looking detail - could be a fade on one end and hard edged on the other... just a thought)

  2. I agree with Ricky, The rear track size looks nice and moving it foreword a lil will make it look sturdier. Im not sure about dropping the height of the grain cart, i kind of liked it the way you had it before.

  3. Ricky, I agree the cab surfacing needs some love- I'll def explore that along with moving the rear a little forward. Good calls

  4. To fix the "weak hinge" issue, i think that you can play with the distance between the cab and the grain cart as well as adjust the rear track as ricky and nick suggested.

  5. btw i think the height of the cart looks solid. It doesn't look like it will disrupt airflow which makes it more aerodynamic than the last iterations.

    1. But does it need to be "aerodynamic" its a tractor not a supercar.

  6. yeah not really concerned with aerodynamics lol. This thing will probably top out at 50 or so.

    1. Well farmers go for efficient products so every bit helps.
